Written by Dave Gibbons
Penciled by Andy Kubert
Inked by Adam Kubert
Minor spoilers ahead...
Don't dismiss this bad boy as a cheap crossover gimmick. I know it might be easy to roll your eyes and ignore this story , but I've always found it to be classic Batman. I could try to convince you of this crossover's credibility myself, but I think longtime Batman writer and editor Denny O'Neil did a better job then I ever could in the trade paper back's introduction...
"The only test I've ever found for judging the artistic credibility of using a character from one fictional universe in another such universe is this: If the character were presented fresh, as a new creation, would he be acceptable? So: If a writer suggested an extra-terrestrial with advanced weaponry and a hunter-killer ethos as the villain of a Batman series, would I buy it? Well... yes."
"We generally put the planet-hopping variety of science fiction off-limits to Batman scripters; Batman's roots are in dark myths- vampires, demons, were-creatures, ogres, all the shadow beings that creep from the nether side of the human psyche. Rocket ships and Batman are not a good mix: our Caped Crusader may use technology, but he is not of technology; it has nothing to do with what he is. And it has nothing to do with what the Predator is, either. Take a look at him and then search your memory for predecessors. Shiva, Satan, Grendel, the Fenris Wolf- the fiends, the devils, the devourers, the enemies of mercy and humanity- those are the Predator's kinfolk. Do we really care that he arrived by spacecraft instead of being belched up from a fiery pit? Not unless we're very picky indeed."
Things start out with The Predator in Gotham City and on the hunt. He begins with the city's Heavyweight boxing champ, and soon after the gruesome scene is discovered, Batman is on the case. As the body count rises The Predator realizes that Batman is the biggest game the city has to offer. However, it's The World's Greatest Detective who soon discovers the aliens makeshift lair... only to get his ass handed to him in their first encounter. Quick thinking (and the Batmobile) get him away with his life, but while Bats is on the mend it's open season for The Predator. Going after mobsters and politicians alike, the creature eventually eyes Commissioner Gordon, just as Batman is ready to get back into action. Of course, now that he's already faced the monster once, and learned its capabilities, Batman is prepared for the rematch. And as all comic fans know, a prepared Batman is damn near unbeatable.
Dave Gibbons 3-issue story-arc reads like a big budget action flick and the early Kubert brothers art fits perfectly.
Quite the odd crossover, but still pales to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Archie_Meets_the_Punisher.
Sadly, I have that comic too.
What's next, Terminator vs Robocop? Somebody e-mail Sigler!
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